WagonLoads Resale Consignment Shoppe

WagonLoads is a resale shop specializing in the unusual, strange, or hard to find items. If you are an Indiana Jones type explorer trying to find ancient artifacts or you are an interior designer with extravagant clientèle, you will come here often to find just what you are looking for.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

1980 Renault Electric Car - Lectric Leopard

This is a Renault LeCar that was factory converted to Electric Motor Drive Car by (U.S,. Electricar Corp.) when it was new. It runs on golf cart batteries and is very quiet when driven. It has a built-in battery charging system that plugs into standard house hold AC.

The car was design to run 50 miles on a set of 16 (6 volt) batteries, but if you only install 8 batteries, it has less weight to pull around and drives faster, but not as far. Also with only 8 batteries installed, it will take less power to charge it than the 40 AMPS it took when all 16 batteries were in place...

The first time we test drove the car, it only had 8 batteries installed and the wheels spun as it took off.

Planned sale at public auction

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